Saturday, June 30, 2012


For use in command prompt on you own computer or network:

CMD or = use whichever works best or whichever one is available ( to open command prompt in the run command.
EXIT = exit the command prompt
PATH = displays the places that if will look for if not in the name first
CLS = clears up everything on command prompt page
TIME = displays time and you can change it if you want
HELP = displays help, more commands
DIR OR DIR /? = Shows a lot of information
CD\PROGRA~1 ENTER THEN DIR = Programs installed (1)
CD\ ENTER THEN DIR = shows installations of programs
(DEL OR COPY OR DIR) *.* C:\TARGET = you can either delete, copy or dir a program
NET = you get options to use it
SHUTDOWN –LETTER OR SHUTDOWN/? = you can shutdown

Your computer or another computer

NETSTAT = view the stats of the computers one feature is
to get people’s I.P. for more type netstat/?

FSUTIL AND FSUTIL FSINFO = shows you things like list of
all drives
ERASE C:\PROGRAM FILES = erases all program files or leave
just the c delete everything


TREE = displays all files on program files and desktop good
for seeing if you have any keyloggers

TRACERT (IP) = to see if the I.P. exist
= to sign in as an administrator that’s not signed in

from web sites

/WHOIS (SCREENAME) = only on a chat room, to find
information a that person which owns the screename an I.P.

For use in command prompt for path chanching

DISKPART = shows you stuff like the computer name and
takes you to disk part option

CD\PROGRA~1 ENTER THEN DIR = Programs installed (2)
CD \WINDOWS \SYSTEM = to look for stuff in this folders

TELNET : remote controlling
NET START MESSENGER = start net send when it is disable
For use in command prompt only on a network or hacking

BOOTCFG = you can make changes to boot the computer ,
boot it mess it up

GPRESULT = shows all the information of a computer
DRIVERQUERY = list of drives and their properties
GETMAC = this gets the Mac (media access control) address
NETSH = good for hacking a network configuration tool
type netsh /? For more

OPENFILES = only for windows professional allows an
administrator to display or disconnect open files


Friday, June 29, 2012


Guys the keyboard combination of Alt +Tab has been an easy switch between open windows without touching your mouse.When you press Tab while holding down the Alt key ,a floating palette displays the icons of running programs.Keep holding down the Alt keyand each time you press Tab again,you highlight the next icon.When you release the keys ,the highlighted program jumps to the front so you can work with it .This keyboard shortcut works with all version of Windows.

Tricks with Alt +Tab
Add shift to move backward

Add the Ctrl key to lock the display ,so you dont have to keep the alt key hold down.Just tab to the icon you want then press Space bar or Enter to select the active icon

How to activate Flip 3D:
Press the Windows logo key + Tab to "Flip" between the open windows.
If you keep your finger on the windows logo key , you will see a 3-dimensional view of your windows

Next ,navigate through the deck of windows with one of these techniques:
Tap the Tab key repeatedly .Add the Shift key to move backward through the tabs When the window you want is front ,release the key .The 3-D stack vanishes the important window appears before you at full size
Turn your mouse's scroll wheel toward you.Roll it away to move backward.

Psesistent 3-D Flip

Windows 7 also includes a variation of Areo flip called Persistent 3-D flip.This handy shortcut which eliminates the need to keep holding down keys .
Press the Windows Logo key +Ctrl +Tab.Release the Windows Logo Key and Ctrl and the Flip choices stay in place.
To flip through the open windows without having to hold down any keys using arrows or press Tab to navigate through each window or use mouses wheel
Press Enter or the Esc key to maximize the selected window


Most of you must be aware about a tool called notepad. It is a simple text based editor. But today I am going to discuss some cool tricks which you can perform on your computer using notepad. You can also use these tricks to scare your friends.




@ECHO off


msg * Hi

msg * Are you having fun?

msg * I am!

msg * Lets have fun together!

msg * Because you have been o-w-n-e-d



Save it as pc.bat and send it to your friends.



Guys,Did Anyone Tried To Search His/Her Facebook Username In The Google?.If So,Then Whether It Bring Your Profile Or Similar To Yours?.If Yes.Then This Means Your Facebook Profile Is Extremely Unsecure And Needs To Be Prevent It From "Search Engine Spiders" And "Web Crawlers". 

To Secure And Prevent Your Facebook Profiles From Search Engines,Just Do The Simple Steps Given Below:

Step1:Login To Your Facebook Profile/Account.

Step2:Go To Privacy Settings.(Newbies?:-You Can Go Privacy Settings By Clicking A "Small Arrow" At The Right Side Of Your "Home Button" At Your Facebook Toolbar.Then Select PRIVACY SETTINGS Option There.). 
If You Are Not Interested In Finding That Settings,Then Click Here To Go,Directly There.

Step3:Now Scroll Down And Find "
How To Connect" Option There.Then Click "Edit Settings" In Front Of It.

Step4:Now,A Pop-Up Box Will Appear.Set The All Options There As "Friends".Look At The Picture Given Below. 

Step5:Click "Done". 

Step6:Now,Try To Google Search Your Profile Name Or Username.I Am Sure It Will Not Come Up In The Results.

Step7:Congratulations!!!You Have Just Made Your Facebook Profile "

Thank You!!!

Tips to recover scratched CD's

1. Spread a cloth on a flat surface and place the CD on it.
2. Then, hold the disc with one hand, use the other to wipe the polish into the affected area with a soft cloth.
3. Wait for it to dry and buff using short, brisk strokes along the scratch, not across it.
4. A cloth sold to wipe spectacles or camera lenses will work super m8's.
5. When you can no longersee the scratch,, wash the disc with water and let it dry before playing. Intersting isnt it? Try it right now
I have used toothpaste with good effects before Ive also used car paint cutting compound on deeper scratches. It does leave lots of smaller scratches (as it is a cutting compound after all) but it will remove the worst scratches in most cases.
ya u r gng to b surely befinited by this Operation

* Fingermarks/prints cause 43% of disc problems!
* General wear & tear causes 25% of disc problems!
* Player-related issues cause 15% of disc problems!
* Remaining Others

Tuesday, June 26, 2012


Need to delete an application from your facebook profile

Here are few steps which will helps you to remove it easily.

After signing to your facebook account,

Click on Account, which is at the top-right of your screen.
Then click on Application Settings from the list.
Change the Show drop down box to Authorized. This will show all the application you've ever given permission to.
To remove the wishing application just click X button which is far right
Then a pop-up box will appear which asking you that you really wanna remove that application then click on Remove and then Okay.


If you want to make your own fonts in window then
just follow these steps.
first go to start>Run & type here eudcedit and hit enter.

Now use your creativity & make your own fonts.

Want to know Who Used Your Pc In Your Absence & what Did He Do?

Want to know Who Used Your Pc In Your Absence & what Did He Do?

just follow these simple steps

start > run >eventvwr.msc

Events are stored in three log files: Application, Security, and System.

These logs can be reviewed and archived.

For our purposes we want the System log. Click on "System" in the left-hand column for a list of events.

Look for a date and time when you weren't home and your computer should have been off.

double click on the eg: info n it will show u the detail.

You can also use this log to see how long someone was on the computer.

Just look at the time the computer was turned on and off for that day.

Sunday, June 24, 2012


 Tutorial Objective

This tutorial talks about anything about the virtual memory and how much virtual memory you need for your system.

Tutorial Introduction & Background

Today application is getting bigger and bigger. Therefore, it requires a bigger system memory in order for the system to hold the application data, instruction, and thread and to load it. The system needs to copy the application data from the HDD into the system memory in order for it to process and execute the data. Once the memory gets filled up with data, the system will stop loading the program. In this case, users need to add more memory onto their system to support that intense application. However, adding more system memory costs the money and the normal user only needs to run the the intense application that requires the memory only for one or two days. Therefore, virtual memory is introduced to solve that type of problem.

Terminology & Explanation

There are two types of memory, which are as follows:

* System Memory is a memory that is used to store the application data and instruction in order for the system to process and execute that application data and instruction. When you install the memory sticks to increase the system RAM, you are adding more system memory. System Memory can be known as either the physical memory or the main memory.

* Virtual Memory is a memory that uses a portion of HDD space as the memory to store the application data and instruction that the system deemed it doesn't need to process for now. Virtual Memory can be known as the logical memory, and it controls by the Operating System, which is Microsoft Windows. Adding the Virtual Memory can be done in system configuration.

Tutorial Information & Facts or Implementation

Virtual Memory is a HDD space that uses some portion of it as the memory. It is used to store application data and instruction that is currently not needed to be process by the system.

During the program loading process, the system will copy the application data and its instruction from the HDD into the main memory (system memory). Therefore the system can use its resources such as CPU to process and execute it. Once the system memory gets filled up, the system will start moving some of the data and instruction that don't need to process anymore into the Virtual Memory until those data and instruction need to process again. So the system can call the next application data and instruction and copy it into the main memory in order for the system to process the rest and load the program. When the data and instruction that is in the Virtual Memory needs to process again, the system will first check the main memory for its space. If there is space, it will simply swap those into the main memory. If there are not any space left for the main memory, the system will first check the main memory and move any data and instructions that doesn't need to be process into the Virtual Memory. And then swap the data and instruction that need to be process by the system from the Virtual Memory into the main memory.

Having too low of Virtual Memory size or large Virtual Memory size (meaning the size that is above double of the system memory) is not a good idea. If you set the Virtual Memory too low, then the OS will keep issuing an error message that states either Not enough memory or Virtual too low. This is because some portion of the system memory are used to store the OS Kernel, and it requires to be remain in the main memory all the time. Therefore the system needs to have a space to store the not currently needed process data and instruction when the main memory get filled up. If you set the Virtual Memory size too large to support the intensive application, it is also not a good idea. Because it will create the performance lagging, and even it will take the HDD free space. The system needs to transfer the application data and instruction back and forth between the Virtual Memory and the System Memory. Therefore, that is not a good idea. The ideal size for the Virtual Memory is the default size of Virtual Memory, and it should not be exceed the value of the triple size of system memory.

To determine how much virtual memory you need, since the user's system contains the different amount of RAM, it is based on the system. By default, the OS will set the appropriate size for Virtual Memory. The default and appropriate size of Virtual Memory is:

<Amount_Of_System_Memory> * 1.5 = <Default_Appropriate_Size_Of_Virtual Memory>

For example, if your system contains 256 MB of RAM, you should set 384 MB for Virtual Memory.

256 MB of RAM (Main Memory) * 1.5 = 384 MB for Virtual Memory

If you would like to determine how much the Virtual Memory is for your system and/or would like to configure and add more virtual memory, follow the procedure that is shown below. The following procedure is based on windows XP Professional.

1-1) Go to right-click My Computer and choose Properties

1-2) In the System Properties dialog box, go to Advanced tab

1-3) Click Settings button that is from the Performance frame

1-4) Once the Performance Options shows up on the screen, go to Advanced tab

1-5) Under the Advanced tab, click the Change button from the Virtual Memory frame to access to the Virtual Memory setting

Then the Virtual Memory dialog box appears on the screen. In there, you are able to check how much the Virtual Memory you set. If you would like to modify the size of Virtual Memory, follow the procedure that is shown below.

2-1) In there, select the drive letter that is used to install the Operating System

2-2) Choose the option that says, "Custom Size:"

Once you choose that option, the setting for Initial Size and Maximum Size become available for you to set. Initial Size (MB) means the actual size of Virtual Memory, and Maximum Size (MB) means the maximum size of Virtual Memory that is allowed to use.

Let's say if your system contains 512 MB of RAM, then the ideal setting for the Virtual Memory is as follows:


Initial Size (MB):  768
Maximum Size (MB):  1500

Once you are happy with that Virtual Memory size, click the Set button from Paging file size for selected drive to apply the setting for the Virtual Memory size. Then click the OK button to apply the setting.

That's where you can manage and configure for the size of Virtual Memory.

Additional Information

* To maintain the good overall system performance, you should be using the default size of actual size for Virtual Memory and the triple the value of the size of the main memory for the maximum size of Virtual Memory. If you find that main memory plus virtual memory is not big enough to load the intensive application, then you will need to add more main memory onto your system.

Saturday, June 23, 2012


This is funny trick that let you know the gender of your computer whether it is male or female. So let get started.

Open Notepad and paste the following codes.

        CreateObject("SAPI.SpVoice").Speak"i love you"

Save the file as     gender.vbs

Now, open the save file

If you hear male voice then your computer is male and if you hear female voice then its female.
   My computer is male what about you ?

Friday, June 22, 2012


 Today i will be showing you an interesting trick which will let your keyboard led light to dance. Basicly we will be creating a vbscript to make caps lock, num lock and scroll lock to perform this trick. So lets get started.

     How to do that ?

       1. Open Notepad and copy below codes into it.

Set wshShell =wscript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
      wscript.sleep 100
      wshshell.sendkeys "{CAPSLOCK}"
      wshshell.sendkeys "{NUMLOCK}"
      wshshell.sendkeys "{SCROLLLOCK}"

      2. Then save this file as led.vbs (.vbs is must)
      3. Open your save file and see your keyboard led blinking like disco lights.

     How to disable blinking Led ?

       1. First open Task Manager [ctrl+alt+del ]
       2. Then Go to process tab.
       3. Select wscript.exe
       4. Click on End process.

Thursday, June 21, 2012


Moving data between your old and new PC has never been so simple. This guide shows you how with File and Settings Transfer Wizard

Transferring data

Having decided to upgrade to a newer PC, the euphoria of being the proud owner of a spanking new system can suddenly be cut short. The problem is, there’s all that data that needs to be transferred from your old machine to your new one. It can be difficult trying to decide which files and folders are to be copied over, and then there are the program settings for the individual applications that you have installed. Take a moment to think about the other items too, including email messages and account information, not to mention your Internet connection settings. All these will need to be moved from one PC to the other. If you’re in the position of upgrading to a Windows XP system then you should make full use of the ‘File and Settings Transfer Wizard.’ This built-in utility makes light work of moving important data and settings from one PC to another.

The File and Settings Transfer Wizard will work with any Windows operating system. It will enable you to transfer data from Windows 95 upwards, restoring files and settings in the both the Home and Professional Editions of Windows XP. Your data can be moved using a variety of methods. For example, you can use a direct connection between the two PCs, perhaps a network or a cable link. Alternatively, you can create a file that contains all the transferable data and save it to a hard drive partition or removable media such as a recordable CD/DVD or Zip disk.

Full control
The settings within the wizard enable you to back up as much or as little of your existing data as you want. Not only will you be able to transfer your files and folders, but it’s also possible to incorporate individual user settings. Details of desktop display, wallpaper and themes, folder settings and Internet connection information can all be saved. You can also copy over elements of Internet Explorer that you’ll require on your new PC. These include Favorites, cookies and security certificates. Information contained within Outlook and Outlook Express, such as email settings and address books can also be transferred. However, if you’ve created Identities in Outlook Express, any messages and folders won’t be copied over separately. Instead, all messages will end up being grouped together.

One aspect of the File and Settings Transfer Wizard that you’ll find particularly useful, enables Registry settings and preferences from applications to be transferred. It works well for both Microsoft and non-Microsoft programs. Should the wizard encounter an application that it’s unable to deal with then you’ll be informed accordingly.

Getting started
In order to transfer data from an old PC to your new system you’ll need to have your original Windows XP installation CD to hand. When the menu appears, choose ‘Perform Additional Tasks’ and select ‘Transfer Files and Settings.’ Click Next and under ‘Select a Transfer Method’ you’ll have to choose how the information is to be copied over. Having both machines on a network is the easiest method of transferring your data. Without some kind of direct connection you should select ‘Floppy drive or other removable media’. This will enable you to use media such as a recordable CD/DVD.

With your chosen method selected, click Next and decide exactly want you want to back up. Select ‘Both files and settings’ as it’s best to be as thorough as possible and remember to check the option that will enable you to make your own selections. On the next screen you’ll see specific files, folders and settings that are to be backed up. Leave everything selected unless you’re sure there’s something there that you don’t need. The default selections will ensure that the items, My Documents and My Pictures are selected for back up. However, you’ll need to make sure that any folders you’ve created are included in the transfer process. To do this click Add Folder and Add File and select exactly what you want. Once you’re sure you’ve got everything you need for the transfer click on Next and wait while the information is collected from your system. This may take a while if there’s a lot of content coming over from your old PC.

Don’t worry if the amount of data you’re transferring exceeds the capacity of the removable media you’ve decided to use. The File and Settings Transfer Wizard will automatically span the backed up data over as many disc sets that you require. This will enable you to restore the information with ease. With the transfer of data completed, click on Finish. Now you’re ready to restore the data on your new PC. Having got this far you’re probably wondering if this Transfer Wizard could be used as a regular back-up tool, even though its intended use is to transfer data from one PC to another. Although, Windows XP comes with its own dedicated back-up utility, the File and Settings Transfer Wizard is ideal if you want to back up specific items and system configuration settings.

Using the File and Settings Transfer Wizard

* Place the original Windows XP CD in the drive of your old PC, choose ‘Perform Additional Tasks’ and choose ‘Transfer Files and Settings’ then click Next. Select Old PC then under ‘Select a Transfer Method’ choose how you want to copy the info.
* If space of media capacity is at a premium then Settings only should be your preferred option. The Files only option covers specific folders including the Desktop and My Documents. So, ideally you should choose ‘Both files and settings’.
* Choose to select from a ‘Custom list of files’ and you can click Add Setting, Add Folder, Add File and Add File Type, to include your own items. Having selected all the items to be transferred, click Next and wait for the process to complete.
* With everything now backed up it’s time to move over to the Windows XP machine. Click Start -> All Programs -> Accessories -> System Tools -> File and Settings Transfer Wizard. Select the New computer option, click Next and wait.
* Choose the final option ‘I have already collected my files and settings from my old computer’ and click Next. Select the location of the stored files whether it’s cable, removable media or drive location and click Next.
* It’s not possible to be selective with the info that you import on to your new machine. All the data and application configuration settings will be transferred in one go. If there’s anything you don’t need you’ll have to delete it afterwards

Wednesday, June 20, 2012


Go to Start --> Run --> Regedt32

Go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop

Locate the key called "MenuShowDelay" and it is probably set to 400.

Change that value to 150.

Reboot your computer.

You should notice a slight increase in the speed of your menus

Tuesday, June 19, 2012


Have you forgotten the log in information to your MSN account? I have emails with so many different providers that it is hard to keep them apart. If you are struggling with this too and need to get back into your account, I’d recommend using the Hack MSN Password  program in order to get your log in details straight. This program was created to recover the password of your own account, the account of a friend with their permission, or the account of a child who may need to be watched a bit closer in their online activities. If you use this tool for any other purposes I am not to be held accountable for your actions. Use the tool responsibly and you’ll have no problems.

While it may seem pretty obvious as to how you would use the Hack MSN Password tool, I’ll explain it anyways just in case you are struggling to make it work. First you’ll need to start up the program after you’ve downloaded it. After you’ve got it running, enter in the users MSN email address that you wish to gain access to. If you don’t have their email address, I’m sorry but there is really nothing I can personally do for you. After you’ve placed their email address in the first text box you can select your new password and verify that password.

Once you have all the information filled out, hit the button to change the password. Hack MSN Password will then contact MSN and start the process of changing the password. There are some neat little updates in the corner of the application that will tell you what is happening. Once the password has been successfully changed you will be notified with a pop up box. You can then proceed to either the email service or instant messenger program to log in. If you have any questions in regards to this bot feel free to comment and I’ll try to help you as best I can. Get your download here today!

Monday, June 18, 2012


If you need to gain access to a Hotmail account but have forgotten your password, I’d recommend using the Hack Hotmail Password program to recover the password. It’s a fairly simple tool that will help you gain access to an account that you can’t seem to get into anymore. This tool was created to help you change the password to old accounts of yours that you can’t access anymore, a friends account who has given you permission to access their account, or possibly a child who you feel may need to be watched a bit more closely. If this tool is used for any other purpose I am not to be held responsible for your actions, so use this responsibly.

While it may seem self-explanatory, many people struggle to get this program to work so I’ll just go over it briefly for you. Hack Hotmail Password is a powerful tool that will contact Hotmail and attempt to change the password of the account you have entered. Simply fill in the email box with the email address of the account you’d like to change the password of, then fill in the new password you would like in the next two boxes.

After all this information has been filled out accurately, hit the button to change the password. It will then begin to contact Hotmail and go through the process of setting your new password. It can take anywhere from thirty seconds to a minute so be patient. Updates on what the program is doing will become visible once the process has started. If you have any questions getting this to work correctly feel free to leave a comment on this post and I’ll try and help you as best I can.Download it here!


This advanced program will help you to hack facebook password of any account. All you need to know is their email address and you’ll be able to gain access to the users account. This program is to be used to recover and change your own facebook accounts password, to help a friend recover theirs with their permission, or for parents to keep an eye on their children’s accounts. If you use the hack facebook password  program for any purposes besides this, you are responsible for your own actions.

With that being said, the program hack facebook password is fairly simple to use. In the first text box you will insert the email address for the account or if you’re unable to figure that out, you can input the profile id which is usually like a 9 digit number sequence but can often be word or words set by the profile owner. You can find this number by looking at the URL when you visit the program.

After you’ve got the first text box filled, set the password in the next two boxes. I’m well aware that you could simply use the program again in order to change the password if you didn’t input it correctly; however, to make it a more practical program you’ll need to verify that you typed it correctly. Finally, hit the "change" button. This will begin the process of logging you in and changing the password. When it has completed the task, you will be notified with a message box informing you it has completed and that you can now log in.

Use the Hack Facebook Password program responsibly. You are responsible for your own actions. Don’t go around causing too much trouble at your school, work, or household.

Download it here! or Visit the site to learn to hack someones Facebook account

Saturday, June 16, 2012


1. First, run a scandisk or checkdisk. Let Windows fix any errors.

2. Run a disk cleanup utility...this will flush your temporary internet folder, trash can, temp system files, etc.

3. Delete any garbage files or data...if possible, run a Duplicate File Finder program.

4. Run Defrag on all partitions (NOTE: run this after you have deleted all trash and excess files!)

5. Run a registry cleaner utility and delete or get rid of any orphaned entries in that registry.

6. Check your exisiting swap file for it's size and location (*will explain location later in the post). If you have alot of ram (i.e. 1 gig and over) set this swap file to something small, like 250 mb. The reason is that this will force Windows to load more into memory, resulting in faster performance (note: some games and applications actually require a certain sized swap file so check your applications performance after making a size adjustment for any error messages.)

7. Under XP, you can tell Windows to use Classic Style on your desktop, - this will remove the neat single click and internet-style desktop but for lower end systems this will improve performance in other areas, such as gaming and multi-tasking.

8. Run msconfig and under startup and only keep the programs that are essential to load in the tray icon (and hence stay resident in memory). Uncheck anything else non-essential, like an ATI or Nvidia control panel, Quicktime utility, Real Audio, etc.

9. Upgrade drivers! Check for the latest BIOS, video, motherboard, sound, etc drivers from the manufacturers. Alot of my friends had chipsets on their motherboard that had advanced disk management capabilities or AGP port settings but the drivers weren't loaded for them so they were never being used. A simple upgrade realized a noticeable difference. For instance, they didn't have the latest driver for their AGP port so it was set to 1x, instead of being used at 4x!

10. (OK, so this won't speed up your PC but it could save you alot of time and trouble later on!) After making all these improvements, make a working backup! I use Ghost, but for XP users you can also use System Restore...


1. Take a look under the hood (for IDE owners). How are your IDE devices configured? If you have more than 1 hard drive, put the master hard drive on the primary IDE channel and the secondary hard drive on the secondary IDE channel (most motherboards have two IDE channels).

2. Place all CDROM drives, DVD readers etc. on the secondary IDE channel (or SCSI bus, etc). This will reduce I/O contention with your master hard drive which should have your OS and apps installed...

3. Remember when I mentioned the location of the swap file? OK, if you have 2 hard drives and you have one on the primary IDE channel and the other on the secondary IDE channel, move the swap file to a partition ON THE SECOND hard drive (on the secondary IDE channel). This will greatly improve system performance as the PC can write to the swap file while loading and running OS and system commands without I/O contention on the primary IDE channel!

4. Take a look under the hood (for SCSI owners) What kind of SCSI do you have? If it's the newer Ultra 160/320 etc cards then guess what? Any devices placed on the same bus will automatically default to the slowest drive on the chain...this means that if you have say, an Ultra 160 SCSI card, and it has an Ultra 160 drive (capable of transferring 160 mb/sec) on the same chain as a SCSI cdrom drive (capable of only 40 mb/sec) then the whole bus slows down to the 40 mb/sec speed...use different chains for the slower devices and maximize those hard drives!

5. Run a utility like WCPUID and check the your CPU/front speed bus/AGP port running as fast as they should be? If not, check your drivers and BIOS configuration options. Also, are all of your chipset features enabled? If not, then enable them! (usually done in your BIOS!)

6. Dig in to the BIOS...check settings like boot order, for it checking the floppy first? Change this! Select your order to reflect the hard drive first, then CD, then floppy for a noticeable boot time improvement. Also disable any non-used on board peripherals...for instance, - does your motherboard come with an on-board NIC card? Guess what, if you don't use that NIC card and it is enabled it will eat up valuable CPU cycles and can be detrimental to your systems' performance. DISABLE THAT MUTHA! Also, see if you can play with memory timing and CPU clock frequencies (NOTE! This is for expert users only!) Set these timings to "Aggressive" and see what happens in your games and apps...Also, check to see what your video aperature is set to. If you have a video card with 128 megs of on-baord memory, your aperature should be set to this amount too. Read the BIOS owner manual for further non-general performance tricks or improvements! Do you have the latest BIOS firmware version?

7. Under hardware properties, check to see that everything is working properly, and fix any hardware contention issues. You'll see the dreaded yellow exclamation point (!) beside any hardware componenet that is not working correctly.

8. Evaluate the potential for system/hardware upgrades...usually, the best bang for the buck is adding memory so buy all that you can afford (don't go much above 512 megs for Win 98 or ME). If you have a motherboard with an 8x - capable AGP port but you are using an older 4x video card, consider upgrading to an 8x card. You get the idea here...

9. Quit using software pigs like Norton system utilities, etc. These place files everywhere and can be a real system resource hog on lower end PCs.

10. Did I mention to make a good backup? Do it now! Also, while you're at it, run a good virus program with the latest definitions.

There are more options to make your system faster, such as overclocking, etc. but (just about) everything I've mentioned in this tech post costs you nothing and will result in faster system performance! Good luck and if you have any questions on how to do anything mentioned here, ask a knowledgeable friend or consult a book, - don't mess up something trying to do something you are not sure of



Friday, June 15, 2012


This tip requires a change to the Windows Registry.

Windows Media Player (WMP) is a built-in application that allows you to play multimedia files. Like many other applications, WMP remembers the most recently played files and displays them in the Recent File List under the File menu. This feature is useful if you regularly play certain files, but you may want to clear the list if you share the computer and a user account or create archives and CDs.

There are two ways you can clear the list:

I. The ClearMRU.exe Utility is available for free in the Windows Media Player Bonus Pack from Microsoft, but Microsoft does not support this tool.

II. You can also manually delete the list through the Windows Registry:

1. Start the Windows Registry Editor, regedit.exe, by typing regedit in the Windows Run Command Line.

2. Go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\MediaPlayer\Player\RecentFileList.

3. Delete the RecentFileList subkey.

4. If you've also streamed content from the Internet, you can delete the RecentURLList subkey.

5. Exit the Registry Editor.

6. Restart the computer.

To keep certain files in the list, don't delete the entire key. Deleting individual entries within the key will get rid of the files that you no longer want in the Recent File List.



Thursday, June 14, 2012



Open a Command Prompt window and leave it open.
Close all open programs.
Click Start, Run and enter TASKMGR.EXE
Go to the Processes tab and End Process on Explorer.exe.
Leave Task Manager open.
Go back to the Command Prompt window and change to the directory the AVI (or other undeletable file) is located in.
At the command prompt type DEL <filename> where <filename> is the file you wish to delete.
Go back to Task Manager, click File, New Task and enter EXPLORER.EXE to restart the GUI shell.
Close Task Manager.

Or you can try this

Open Notepad.exe

Click File>Save As..>

locate the folder where ur undeletable file is

Choose 'All files' from the file type box

click once on the file u wanna delete so its name appears in the 'filename' box

put a " at the start and end of the filename
(the filename should have the extension of the undeletable file so it will overwrite it)

click save,

It should ask u to overwrite the existing file, choose yes and u can delete it as normal

Here's a manual way of doing it. I'll take this off once you put into your first post zain.

1. Start
2. Run
3. Type: command
4. To move into a directory type: cd c:\*** (The stars stand for your folder)
5. If you cannot access the folder because it has spaces for example Program Files or Kazaa Lite folder you have to do the following. instead of typing in the full folder name only take the first 6 letters then put a ~ and then 1 without spaces. Example: cd c:\progra~1\kazaal~1
6. Once your in the folder the non-deletable file it in type in dir - a list will come up with everything inside.
7. Now to delete the file type in del ***.bmp, txt, jpg, avi, etc... And if the file name has spaces you would use the special 1st 6 letters followed by a ~ and a 1 rule. Example: if your file name was bad file.bmp you would type once in the specific folder thorugh command, del badfil~1.bmp and your file should be gone. Make sure to type in the correct extension.



Monday, June 11, 2012

Change The Storage Location Of 'my Documents', a bit safer for when your PC crashes...

I just found out about this today, and I use Windows XP for some time now, so i guess there are others out there who don't know about this yet.

But normally windows saves the "My Documents" folder on your C-drive. But when you right-click on it and go to properties, you can change the location where you want windows to save your Documents folder.
I have a partition set up with just windows on it, and all my things i want to keep are on different partitions/disks. So now I put My Documents on another partition than where I have windows installed. If windows screws up and you have to format your C-drive again, your documents will be spared at least...



Sunday, June 10, 2012

Auto End Tasks to Enable a Proper Shutdown

This reg file automatically ends tasks and timeouts that prevent programs from shutting down and clears the Paging File on Exit.

1. Copy the following (everything in the box) into notepad.

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory Management]

[HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT\Control Panel\Desktop]


2. Save the file as shutdown.reg
3. Double click the file to import into your registry.

NOTE: If your anti-virus software warns you of a "malicious" script, this is normal if you have "Script Safe" or similar technology enabled.



Saturday, June 9, 2012


Digital Camera Guide

So, it's time for a digital camera huh? Well, buying one can be more than a little difficult. What types of features should you look for? Well, this guide will tell you that plus get you a little more familiar with what these cameras are capable of.

When it comes to megapixels, the more the better. I recommend a minimum of 2, but 3 or 4 is great. We did a test to see if a camera with 2.3 megapixels (actually 1.92 - 1600 x 1200) could produce a good quality 8x10.

Turns out it can, if you have the right paper and printer. We used HP Premium Plus photo paper with an HP 970 series printer and made a fantastic 8 x 10. Remember, I was a professional photographer before I got into computing, so I know a good print when I see it :-)

The resolution at 8x10 (we had to crop in to make the picture proportional to 8x10) was only 150 DPI. Most printers would not make a real good 8x10 at that resolution, but this one did. So, if you want to be sure you can get good 8 x 10s, you may want to go with a 3 megapixel camera or better (that gives you around 200 DPI at 8x10 size, still not quite the optimum 300 DPI, but it looks good with the right printer).

Optical vs Digital Zoom
You've probably noticed that most digital cameras have both a specification for digital and optical zoom. Pay the most attention to the optical zoom.

The optical zoom magnifies (zooms in) using glass. The digital zoom basically crops out the edge of the picture to make the subject appear closer, causing you to lose resolution or to get an interpolated resolution (i.e. the camera adds pixels). Neither of which help image quality.

Finally, make sure you get enough (optical) zoom. A 2x zoom isn't going to do much for you. A 3x is the average you'll find in most digital cameras will probably be good for most uses. More on lenses later.

How does the camera connect to your computer? If you have a USB port in your computer, you'll want a camera that can connect via USB as opposed to a slow serial connection.

On the other hand, if your computer doesn't have a USB port, is there a serial connector available for the camera you're looking at? If so, is it a special order and how long does it take to get it?

What does the camera use to store images with? If it uses a memory stick, make sure you consider buying additional sticks when you get your camera. A typical 8 meg memory stick that comes with a 2 megapixel camera only holds 5 or 6 images at the camera's best quality.

Some cameras use a 3.5 inch disk for storage. Be careful of these!
Although it may sound like a good idea, a 3 megapixel camera at high resolution produces a 1 meg file (compressed!). That's only 1 picture per disk.

Here's a few more things to look out for when trying to make your digital camera purchase.

Picture Formats
When you're trying to decide on which digital camera to get, check and see how many different picture formats it supports.

You want something that can produce both uncompressed (usually TIFF) and compressed (usually JPEG) images. I personally use the high quality JPEG setting on my camera for most of my shooting. TIFFs are just too big and the difference in quality is not ascertainable by mere mortals.

You also want to be able to shoot at a lower resolution than the camera's maximum. That way, If you're running short on memory, you can squeeze a few more shots on your memory stick.

Auxiliary Lens / Flash
This was a biggie for me. While a 3x zoom may work for the "average" user, I needed something that allowed me to do some wide angle work as well as have a good telephoto lens.

So, the camera I purchased a few months back was a Nikon Coolpix 990 (note that this isn't the only camera that can accept lenses). It has auxiliary lenses that screw into the filter ring on the front of the lens. I now have an ultra-wide fisheye lens plus a nice telephoto.

In addition to lenses, I wanted a good flash. The flash that is built into most of these cameras gives you a top range of 15-20 feet - at best. I wanted a camera that could take a powerful auxiliary flash (again, the Nikon isn't the only camera that fits this requirement, but I liked it better than the rest). If you need more reach than the small built in flash can deliver, then make sure you can attach an external flash to any camera you consider.

As an added bonus, if you get a camera that can take an external flash, you can place that flash on a bracket and eliminate red-eye.

Flash Distance
Speaking of flashes, make sure you check the distance the built in flash is good for. You don't want a camera with a wimpy flash that only travels a few feet (well, unless you can get an external flash for it as described above).

Battery Type
This may not sound important, but it is. Anyone who owns a digital camera can tell you they eat batteries the way a sumo wrestler eats at a buffet.

Make sure the camera can run on regular (or rechargeable) "AA" type batteries. You don't want a camera that eats through expensive lithium batteries every 10 shots or so.

One thing to remember about digital cameras, they do eat through batteries. I recommend getting some Nickel Metal Hydride rechargeable for it. I have some for mine and they have saved me a fortune.

Final Notes
Choosing a digital camera isn't easy. There's a huge selection out there and only you can determine which features you need.

For instance, if you shoot wildlife photos, a small 3x zoom probably isn't going to cut it (unless you can attach auxiliary lenses to it). If you shoot lots of close-ups, make sure the camera has some sort of macro capability. If you shoot big group photos indoors, an external flash may be necessary.

My advice is to make a list of things you want to be able to do with the camera then go to somewhere that can help you make a good purchase decision.

Finally, buy the BEST camera you can possibly afford. Or wait until the price drops on one with the type of features you want.




Choosing A Good Domain Name

Choosing a domain name for your site is one of the most important steps towards creating the perfect internet presence. If you run an on-line business, picking a name that will be marketable and achieve success in search engine placement is paramount. Many factors must be considered when choosing a good domain name. This article summarizes all the different things to consider before making that final registration step!

Short and Sweet

Domain names can be really long or really short (1 - 67 characters). In general, it is far better to choose a domain name that is short in length. The shorter your domain name, the easier it will be for people remember. Remembering a domain name is very important from a marketability perspective. As visitors reach your site and enjoy using it, they will likely tell people about it. And those people may tell others, etc. As with any business, word of mouth is the most powerful marketing tool to drive traffic to your site (and it's free too!). If your site is long and difficult to pronounce, people will not remember the name of the site and unless they bookmark the link, they may never return.

Consider Alternatives

Unless a visitor reaches your site through a bookmark or a link from another site, they have typed in your domain name. Most people on the internet are terrible typists and misspell words constantly. If your domain name is easy to misspell, you should think about alternate domain names to purchase. For example, if your site will be called "", you should also consider buying "" and "". You should also secure the different top level domain names besides the one you will use for marketing purposes ("", "", etc.) You should also check to see if there are existing sites based on the misspelled version of the domain name you are considering. "" may be available, but "" may be home to a graphic pornography site. You would hate for a visitor to walk away thinking you were hosting something they did not expect.

Also consider domain names that may not include the name of your company, but rather what your company provides. For example, if the name of your company is Mike's Tools, you may want to consider domain names that target what you sell. For example: "" or "". Even though these example alternative domain names do not include the name of your company, it provides an avenue for visitors from your target markets. Remember that you can own multiple domain names, all of which can point to a single domain. For example, you could register "", "", and "" and have "" and "" point to "".

Hyphens: Your Friend and Enemy

Domain name availability has become more and more scant over the years. Many single word domain names have been scooped up which it makes it more and more difficult to find a domain name that you like and is available. When selecting a domain name, you have the option of including hyphens as part of the name. Hyphens help because it allows you to clearly separate multiple words in a domain name, making it less likely that a person will accidentally misspell the name. For example, people are more likely to misspell "" than they are "". Having words crunched together makes it hard on the eyes, increasing the likelihood of a misspelling. On the other hand, hyphens make your domain name longer. The longer the domain name, the easier it is for people to forget it altogether. Also, if someone recommends a site to someone else, they may forget to mention that each word in the domain name is separated by a hyphen. If do you choose to leverage hyphens, limit the number of words between the hyphens to three. Another advantage to using hyphens is that search engines are able to pick up each unique word in the domain name as key words, thus helping to make your site more visible in search engine results.

Dot What?

There are many top level domain names available today including .com, .net, .org, and .biz. In most cases, the more unusual the top level domain, the more available domain names are available. However, the .com top level domain is far and away the most commonly used domain on the internet, driven by the fact that it was the first domain extension put to use commercially and has received incredible media attention. If you cannot lay your hands on a .com domain name, look for a .net domain name, which is the second most commercially popular domain name extension.

Long Arm of the Law

Be very careful not to register domain names that include trademarked names. Although internet domain name law disputes are tricky and have few cases in existence, the risk of a legal battle is not a risk worth taking. Even if you believe your domain name is untouchable by a business that has trademarked a name, do not take the chance: the cost of litigation is extremely high and unless you have deep pockets you will not likely have the resources to defend yourself in a court of law. Even stay away from domain names in which part of the name is trademarked: the risks are the same.

Search Engines and Directories

All search engines and directories are different. Each has a unique process for being part of the results or directory listing and each has a different way of sorting and listing domain names. Search engines and directories are the most important on-line marketing channel, so consider how your domain name choice affects site placement before you register the domain. Most directories simply list links to home pages in alphabetical order. If possible, choose a domain name with a letter of the alphabet near the beginning ("a" or "b"). For example, "" will come way above "". However, check the directories before you choose a domain name. You may find that the directories you would like be in are already cluttered with domain names beginning with the letter "a". Search engines scan websites and sort results based on key words. Key words are words that a person visiting a search engine actually search on. Having key words as part of your domain name can help you get better results.




Cant See Secure Sites

Fix the problem with seeing them secrue sites (banks or online stores) i found this very usefull to me at my work (isp backbone support lol, at the time i was regular support  )

Any way... what u need to do is make a new notepad file and write in it the followng DLL's.. just copy-paste these

regsvr32 SOFTPUB.DLL
regsvr32 INITPKI.DLL
regsvr32 dssenh.dll
regsvr32 Rsaenh.dll
regsvr32 gpkcsp.dll
regsvr32 sccbase.dll
regsvr32 slbcsp.dll
regsvr32 Cryptdlg.dll

and save it as > all file types, and make it something like securefix.bat.

then just run the file and ur problem shuld be gone.



Friday, June 8, 2012

About BANDWIDTH in a detailed way


Most hosting companies offer a variety of bandwidth options in their plans. So exactly what is bandwidth as it relates to web hosting? Put simply, bandwidth is the amount of traffic that is allowed to occur between your web site and the rest of the internet. The amount of bandwidth a hosting company can provide is determined by their network connections, both internal to their data center and external to the public internet.

Network Connectivity

The internet, in the most simplest of terms, is a group of millions of computers connected by networks. These connections within the internet can be large or small depending upon the cabling and equipment that is used at a particular internet location. It is the size of each network connection that determines how much bandwidth is available. For example, if you use a DSL connection to connect to the internet, you have 1.54 Mega bits (Mb) of bandwidth. Bandwidth therefore is measured in bits (a single 0 or 1). Bits are grouped in bytes which form words, text, and other information that is transferred between your computer and the internet.

If you have a DSL connection to the internet, you have dedicated bandwidth between your computer and your internet provider. But your internet provider may have thousands of DSL connections to their location. All of these connection aggregate at your internet provider who then has their own dedicated connection to the internet (or multiple connections) which is much larger than your single connection. They must have enough bandwidth to serve your computing needs as well as all of their other customers. So while you have a 1.54Mb connection to your internet provider, your internet provider may have a 255Mb connection to the internet so it can accommodate your needs and up to 166 other users (255/1.54).


A very simple analogy to use to understand bandwidth and traffic is to think of highways and cars. Bandwidth is the number of lanes on the highway and traffic is the number of cars on the highway. If you are the only car on a highway, you can travel very quickly. If you are stuck in the middle of rush hour, you may travel very slowly since all of the lanes are being used up.

Traffic is simply the number of bits that are transferred on network connections. It is easiest to understand traffic using examples. One Gigabyte is 2 to the 30th power (1,073,741,824) bytes. One gigabyte is equal to 1,024 megabytes. To put this in perspective, it takes one byte to store one character. Imagine 100 file cabinets in a building, each of these cabinets holds 1000 folders. Each folder has 100 papers. Each paper contains 100 characters - A GB is all the characters in the building. An MP3 song is about 4MB, the same song in wav format is about 40MB, a full length movie can be 800MB to 1000MB (1000MB = 1GB).

If you were to transfer this MP3 song from a web site to your computer, you would create 4MB of traffic between the web site you are downloading from and your computer. Depending upon the network connection between the web site and the internet, the transfer may occur very quickly, or it could take time if other people are also downloading files at the same time. If, for example, the web site you download from has a 10MB connection to the internet, and you are the only person accessing that web site to download your MP3, your 4MB file will be the only traffic on that web site. However, if three people are all downloading that same MP at the same time, 12MB (3 x 4MB) of traffic has been created. Because in this example, the host only has 10MB of bandwidth, someone will have to wait. The network equipment at the hosting company will cycle through each person downloading the file and transfer a small portion at a time so each person's file transfer can take place, but the transfer for everyone downloading the file will be slower. If 100 people all came to the site and downloaded the MP3 at the same time, the transfers would be extremely slow. If the host wanted to decrease the time it took to download files simultaneously, it could increase the bandwidth of their internet connection (at a cost due to upgrading equipment).

Hosting Bandwidth

In the example above, we discussed traffic in terms of downloading an MP3 file. However, each time you visit a web site, you are creating traffic, because in order to view that web page on your computer, the web page is first downloaded to your computer (between the web site and you) which is then displayed using your browser software (Internet Explorer, Netscape, etc.) . The page itself is simply a file that creates traffic just like the MP3 file in the example above (however, a web page is usually much smaller than a music file).

A web page may be very small or large depending upon the amount of text and the number and quality of images integrated within the web page. For example, the home page for is about 200KB (200 Kilobytes = 200,000 bytes = 1,600,000 bits). This is typically large for a web page. In comparison, Yahoo's home page is about 70KB.

How Much Bandwidth Is Enough?

It depends (don't you hate that answer). But in truth, it does. Since bandwidth is a significant determinant of hosting plan prices, you should take time to determine just how much is right for you. Almost all hosting plans have bandwidth requirements measured in months, so you need to estimate the amount of bandwidth that will be required by your site on a monthly basis

If you do not intend to provide file download capability from your site, the formula for calculating bandwidth is fairly straightforward:

Average Daily Visitors x Average Page Views x Average Page Size x 31 x Fudge Factor

If you intend to allow people to download files from your site, your bandwidth calculation should be:

[(Average Daily Visitors x Average Page Views x Average Page Size) +
(Average Daily File Downloads x Average File Size)] x 31 x Fudge Factor

Let us examine each item in the formula:

Average Daily Visitors - The number of people you expect to visit your site, on average, each day. Depending upon how you market your site, this number could be from 1 to 1,000,000.

Average Page Views - On average, the number of web pages you expect a person to view. If you have 50 web pages in your web site, an average person may only view 5 of those pages each time they visit.

Average Page Size - The average size of your web pages, in Kilobytes (KB). If you have already designed your site, you can calculate this directly.

Average Daily File Downloads - The number of downloads you expect to occur on your site. This is a function of the numbers of visitors and how many times a visitor downloads a file, on average, each day.

Average File Size - Average file size of files that are downloadable from your site. Similar to your web pages, if you already know which files can be downloaded, you can calculate this directly.

Fudge Factor - A number greater than 1. Using 1.5 would be safe, which assumes that your estimate is off by 50%. However, if you were very unsure, you could use 2 or 3 to ensure that your bandwidth requirements are more than met.

Usually, hosting plans offer bandwidth in terms of Gigabytes (GB) per month. This is why our formula takes daily averages and multiplies them by 31.

Most personal or small business sites will not need more than 1GB of bandwidth per month. If you have a web site that is composed of static web pages and you expect little traffic to your site on a daily basis, go with a low bandwidth plan. If you go over the amount of bandwidth allocated in your plan, your hosting company could charge you over usage fees, so if you think the traffic to your site will be significant, you may want to go through the calculations above to estimate the amount of bandwidth required in a hosting plan.



Sunday, June 3, 2012


Caught A Virus?

If you've let your guard down--or even if you haven't--it can be hard to tell if your PC is infected. Here's what to do if you suspect the worst.

Heard this one before? You must run antivirus software and keep it up to date or else your PC will get infected, you'll lose all your data, and you'll incur the wrath of every e-mail buddy you unknowingly infect because of your carelessness.

You know they're right. Yet for one reason or another, you're not running antivirus software, or you are but it's not up to date. Maybe you turned off your virus scanner because it conflicted with another program. Maybe you got tired of upgrading after you bought Norton Antivirus 2001, 2002, and 2003. Or maybe your annual subscription of virus definitions recently expired, and you've put off renewing.

It happens. It's nothing to be ashamed of. But chances are, either you're infected right now, as we speak, or you will be very soon.

For a few days in late January, the Netsky.p worm was infecting about 2,500 PCs a day. Meanwhile the MySQL bot infected approximately 100 systems a minute (albeit not necessarily desktop PCs). As David Perry, global director of education for security software provider Trend Micro, puts it, "an unprotected [Windows] computer will become owned by a bot within 14 minutes."

Today's viruses, worms, and so-called bots--which turn your PC into a zombie that does the hacker's bidding (such as mass-mailing spam)--aren't going to announce their presence. Real viruses aren't like the ones in Hollywood movies that melt down whole networks in seconds and destroy alien spacecraft. They operate in the background, quietly altering data, stealing private operations, or using your PC for their own illegal ends. This makes them hard to spot if you're not well protected.

Is Your PC "Owned?"

I should start by saying that not every system oddity is due to a virus, worm, or bot. Is your system slowing down? Is your hard drive filling up rapidly? Are programs crashing without warning? These symptoms are more likely caused by Windows, or badly written legitimate programs, rather than malware. After all, people who write malware want to hide their program's presence. People who write commercial software put icons all over your desktop. Who's going to work harder to go unnoticed?

Other indicators that may, in fact, indicate that there's nothing that you need to worry about, include:

* An automated e-mail telling you that you're sending out infected mail. E-mail viruses and worms typically come from faked addresses.
* A frantic note from a friend saying they've been infected, and therefore so have you. This is likely a hoax. It's especially suspicious if the note tells you the virus can't be detected but you can get rid of it by deleting one simple file. Don't be fooled--and don't delete that file.

I'm not saying that you should ignore such warnings. Copy the subject line or a snippet from the body of the e-mail and plug it into your favorite search engine to see if other people have received the same note. A security site may have already pegged it as a hoax.

Sniffing Out an Infection

There are signs that indicate that your PC is actually infected. A lot of network activity coming from your system (when you're not actually using Internet) can be a good indicator that something is amiss. A good software firewall, such as ZoneAlarm, will ask your permission before letting anything leave your PC, and will give you enough information to help you judge if the outgoing data is legitimate. By the way, the firewall that comes with Windows, even the improved version in XP Service Pack 2, lacks this capability.

To put a network status light in your system tray, follow these steps: In Windows XP, choose Start, Control Panel, Network Connections, right-click the network connection you want to monitor, choose Properties, check "Show icon in notification area when connected," and click OK.

If you're interested in being a PC detective, you can sniff around further for malware. By hitting Ctrl-Alt-Delete in Windows, you'll bring up the Task Manager, which will show you the various processes your system is running. Most, if not all, are legit, but if you see a file name that looks suspicious, type it into a search engine and find out what it is.

Want another place to look? In Windows XP, click Start, Run, type "services.msc" in the box, and press Enter. You'll see detailed descriptions of the services Windows is running. Something look weird? Check with your search engine.

Finally, you can do more detective work by selecting Start, Run, and typing "msconfig" in the box. With this tool you not only see the services running, but also the programs that your system is launching at startup. Again, check for anything weird.

If any of these tools won't run--or if your security software won't run--that in itself is a good sign your computer is infected. Some viruses intentionally disable such programs as a way to protect themselves.

What to Do Next

Once you're fairly sure your system is infected, don't panic. There are steps you can take to assess the damage, depending on your current level of protection.

* If you don't have any antivirus software on your system (shame on you), or if the software has stopped working, stay online and go for a free scan at one of several Web sites. There's McAfee FreeScan, Symantec Security Check, and Trend Micro's HouseCall. If one doesn't find anything, try two. In fact, running a free online virus scan is a good way to double-check the work of your own local antivirus program. When you're done, buy or download a real antivirus program.
* If you have antivirus software, but it isn't active, get offline, unplug wires-- whatever it takes to stop your computer from communicating via the Internet. Then, promptly perform a scan with the installed software.
* If nothing seems to be working, do more research on the Web. There are several online virus libraries where you can find out about known viruses. These sites often provide instructions for removing viruses--if manual removal is possible--or a free removal tool if it isn't. Check out GriSOFT's Virus Encyclopedia, Eset's Virus Descriptions, McAffee's Virus Glossary, Symantec's Virus Encyclopedia, or Trend Micro's Virus Encyclopedia.

A Microgram of Prevention

Assuming your system is now clean, you need to make sure it stays that way. Preventing a breach of your computer's security is far more effective than cleaning up the mess afterwards. Start with a good security program, such Trend Micro's PC-Cillin, which you can buy for $50.

Don't want to shell out any money? You can cobble together security through free downloads, such as AVG Anti-Virus Free Edition, ZoneAlarm (a personal firewall), and Ad-Aware SE (an antispyware tool).

Just make sure you keep all security software up to date. The bad guys constantly try out new ways to fool security programs. Any security tool without regular, easy (if not automatic) updates isn't worth your money or your time.

Speaking of updating, the same goes for Windows. Use Windows Update (it's right there on your Start Menu) to make sure you're getting all of the high priority updates. If you run Windows XP, make sure to get the Service Pack 2 update. To find out if you already have it, right-click My Computer, and select Properties. Under the General tab, under System, it should say "Service Pack 2."

Here are a few more pointers for a virus-free life:

* Be careful with e-mail. Set your e-mail software security settings to high. Don't open messages with generic-sounding subjects that don't apply specifically to you from people you don't know. Don't open an attachment unless you're expecting it.
* If you have broadband Internet access, such as DSL or cable, get a router, even if you only have one PC. A router adds an extra layer of protection because your PC is not connecting directly with the Internet.
* Check your Internet ports. These doorways between your computer and the Internet can be open, in which case your PC is very vulnerable; closed, but still somewhat vulnerable; or stealthed (or hidden), which is safest. Visit Gibson Research's Web site and run the free ShieldsUP test to see your ports' status. If some ports show up as closed--or worse yet, open--check your router's documentation to find out how to hide them.



Saturday, June 2, 2012

How To Keep Folders Hidden

In this post I will show you how to make your folders hidden

First create a new folder somewhere on your hard drive

when you name it hold down "Alt" and press "0160" this will create and invisible space so it will apper as if it has no name.
Then right click in and select "Properties" select the tab "customize" and select "change icon" scroll along and you should a few blank spaces click on the blank space and click ok when you hav saved the settings the folder will be invisible to hide all your personal files



Friday, June 1, 2012

How To Access Your Folders From Your Taskbar

How To Access Your Folders From Your Taskbar

This is an easy way to get to the folders on your system without having to open a Windows Explorer Window every time you want to access files. I find it very useful to have this feature as it allows me to access my Folders and Drives immediately and saves me a lot of time.

This works in Windows XP:

1. Right Click an empty spot on your Taskbar (Between your Start Button and your System Tray).
2. Click Toolbars.
3. Click New Toolbar.
4. A Small Window will Open that allows you to pick the folder you wish to make a Toolbar. If you want to access your Desktop Without having to minimize all your windows. Just Pick Desktop. If you want to access ONLY your My Documents Folder, Select that. Any folder will work for this.
5. Click OK.
The New Tool bar will appear at the bottom of your screen next to your System Tray.

If you find this to be not useful, Repeat Steps 1 and 2 and then check click the Toolbar you created that has a check mark next to it. And it will disappear.